Get To Know About Us
Few Words About Our Company
- ICIBL has strong belief in Ethical business practices, integrity, efficiency and innovation. These four principles serve as the corner stone of the company’s corporate philosophy.
- ICIBL has a very high quality Research capability. This capability is based on a core team of in-house research professionals, supported by a state-of-the-art computer system, an on-line financial and economic database, and a comprehensive stock of books, journals, reports and statistical publications. This gives ICIBL the ability to render sound advice on matters pertaining to Valuation and Strategic Asset Management. Due to its focus on quality and timely research, the CFA association of Pakistan has awarded ICIBL with the ‘Best Equity Brokerage House’ twice in the last 4 years.
- Rigorous internal control procedures are applied to avoid potential conflicts of interest and ensure transparency.
- Systems based on the use of the latest Technology have been put in place to govern the organizational functioning.
- A professional and highly dedicated Management Team made up of young, dynamic, highly qualified professionals that include CFA Candidates, MBAs, and Chartered Accountants, Cost and Management Accountant and post-graduate specialists, trained to understand the specific needs of each of their clients. These individuals combine to bring together a rich and diverse experience, covering both the domestic as well as the international financial markets and have available to them a very extensive and large network of local and international contacts. Through constant monitoring and interaction, each team member has a finger on the pulse of the market – which is why ICIBL offers tailor-made solutions to satisfy the unique needs of each and every one of its clients.
Invest Capital Investment Bank
Statement of Ethics and Business Conduct / Practices
All the employees of Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited are responsible for the continuing enforcement of and compliance with the Company’s Statement of Ethics and Business Conduct / Practices.
- All employees are expected to comply with and abide by the laws of Pakistan.
- Every official should be responsible to see that there is no violation of rules and regulations within his / her area of responsibility.
- No Employee may make any political contribution of any kind on behalf of ICIBL.
- Employees must ensure that the accounting and financial records of ICIBL meet highest standards of accuracy and completeness.
- Employees may not pay to any customer / supplier (whether actual or potential) any bribe, gift of material value, kickback or any commission to obtain preferential treatment or to obtain or retain business for ICIBL.
- Employees may not solicit; accept any bribe, gift of material value, kickback, any commission or payment from any customer, supplier or competitor of ICIBL that may influence business decisions.
- Employees must always guard against the use of ICIBL products and services for money laundering purpose.
- Employees must keep in mind at all times that ICIBL image and reputation is determined by the way each and every one of them acts.
- Employees are responsible for safeguarding the privacy, confidentiality and security of financial / customer data disclosed to them.
- Employees may not simultaneously work for any concern / organization that does business with or competes with ICIBL.
- Employees may not invest in shares of a company that does business or seeking to do business with ICIBL, unless it is fully disclosed to the Company Secretary.
- It is un-lawful and un-ethical for the Directors / Employees to buy or sell shares of another company at a time when they possess material non-public information relating that company.
- Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited is an equal opportunity employer and all its employees should ensure that all officials of ICIBL have a safe, healthy and non-discriminatory workplace / environment.
- Employees may not make any false, inaccurate or incomplete entry in any book or record, or submit any false, inaccurate or incomplete statement knowingly that it will be incorporated into such book or record.
- All employees must be familiar with ICIBL manuals and must maintain all books and records in compliance with the manual, policies and the applicable laws and regulations.
- No employee may execute any transaction on behalf of ICIBL, or grant access to any tangible / intangible assets with prior approval / authorization by the management.
- All accounts, funds or assets (whether tangible or intangible) must be accurately accounted for in ICIBL books and records.
- No employee may discriminate against another employee or potential employee, customer or supplier because of their race, religion, color, nationality, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability.
- No employee may harass, threaten, or act in an unwelcome & undesirable, hostile, offensive, degrading & humiliating, or abusive manner with respect to any other employee or with respect to any customer or employee of any supplier or customer.
It is the obligation of every employee to report all known suspected violations of Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited Statement of Ethics and Business Conduct / Practices, Laws, Rules, Regulations and Polices to their supervisor or to the person so nominated by the Chief Executive for the purpose. It makes no difference whether the possible violation was intended to benefit an individual or is a misguided attempt to benefit ICIBL, in either case; the possible violation must be reported. Any employee who fails to report a possible violation is himself in violation of Statement of Ethics & Business Conduct / Practices.
The supervisor or the person so nominated / designated by the Chief Executive for the purpose may be consulted for guidance or with any questions regarding possible violations of this Statement of Ethics and Business Conduct / Practices.

- Who We are
- Services
- Investors Information
- Financial Reports
- Free Float of Shares
- Physical Shares
- Pattern of Shareholding
- Corporate Briefing Session